February 15 – Begins an intensive exchange of letters with Guy Brett, which leads to the negotiations surrounding the Whitechapel Gallery exhibition in London.
Conceives his Suprasensorial Propositions, presented at the Fourth Exhibition of Modern Art in Brasília and the Bólides of the “Trilogia Sensorial” [Sensorial Trilogy]. Introduces Penetrables PN2 and PN3 under the name Tropicália, exhibited at the “Nova Objetividade Brasileira” [New Brazilian Objecthood] show at the MAM, in Rio de Janeiro.
Designs Éden, a group of penetrables and suprasensorial propositions for exhibition at London’s Whitechapel Gallery in 1969.
Shows: April 6 – “Nova Objetividade Brasileira” [New Brazilian Objecthood], Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro; May – “Vanguarda Atual,” Escola Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro; May 20 – Ninth Tokyo Biennial; May 22 – “Happening – Parangolés no Aterro” [Parangolés at the Aterro Landfill], Aterro do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro; September 30 – Fifth Paris Biennial; October 3 – “Artistas Brasileiros na Bienal de Paris” [Brazilian Artists at the Paris Biennial], Galeria Bonino, Rio de Janeiro; December – IV Salão Nacional de Brasilia.
Seminar: June 1 – “Declaração de Princípios da Vanguarda” [Declaration of Principles of the Avant-Garde]. Escola de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro.
Writings: April 6 – “Esquema Geral da Nova Objetividade,” in Nova Objetividade Brasileira (Rio de Janeiro: Museu de Arte Moderna), 5 -19; n/d – “Parangolé: Da Antiarte às Apropriações Ambientais” [Parangolé: From Antiart to Environmental Appropriations]. GAM 6 [Rio de Janeiro]