On display during Caetano Veloso’s concert at the Sucata night club in Rio de Janeiro, Hélio Oiticica’s “Seja marginal seja herói” [“Be an outlaw, be a hero”] banner is confiscated by federal Police, who shut down the concert.

Guy Brett’s Kinetic Art – the Language of Movement is published in London by Studio Vista/Reinhold. The book contains a chapter on Hélio Oiticica.

Meets Haroldo de Campos, at a lecture cycle titled Primeira Cultural [First Cultural] in Belém.

December 3 – Travels to London to mount the Whitechapel Galery show.

Continues to produce the parangolés, bólides and penetrables.

Shows: February 2 – “Young Brazilian Art,” Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh; April 9 – “O Artista Brasileiro e a Iconografia de Massas” [The Brazilian Artist and the Iconography of the Masses]. ESDI, Rio de Janeiro; December 1 – “Young Brazilian Art,” Brazilian Embassay, London; n/d – “Six Latin American Countries,” The Lively Midland Group Gallery, London.

Happening: February 18 – Festival das Bandeiras, Praça General Osório, Rio de Janeiro; August 4 – “Apocalipopótese,” an event conceived and produced by Rogério Duarte and Hélio Oiticica at the Aterro do Flamengo, with the participation of several artists, including Antonio Manuel, Lygia Pape, Sami Mattar, Raimundo Amado, Torquato Neto and dancers from the Mangueira, Portela, Salgueiro and Vila Isabel samba schools.

Films and film collaborations: Participates as an actor in the film Cancer, by Glauber Rocha (1939-1981); some of the artist’s works appear in Arte Pública, a documentary by Paulo Martins e Jorge Sirito; Raimundo Amado’s Apocalipopótese is a documentary record of the happening that took place at the Japanese Pavilion in Rio de Janeiro’s Aterro do Flamengo [Flamengo Landfill Park].

Seminars and Symposia: May 23 – Debate – “Critério para o Julgamento das Obras de Arte Contemporâneas” [Criteria for Pondering Contemporary Art Works], Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro; June 10 – Debate – “Amostragem da Cultura Loucura Brasileira” [“Sampling Brazilian Culture Madness”], Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, event organized by Rogério Duarte (1939) and Hélio Oiticica; August 11 – “Primeira Cultural” [“First Cultural”]. Lecture series organized by Mário Schemberg (1914-1990), Reitoria da Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém.

Writings: March 4 – “Tropicália,” doc nº 0128/68 AHO/PHO; November 24 – “O Sentido de Vanguarda do Grupo Baiano,” Correio da Manhã [Rio de Janeiro]: 4; n/d – “O Aparecimento do Suprasensorial” [The Emergence of the Suprasensorial]. GAM 13 [Rio de Janeiro]: 39; n/d – “O Objeto”. GAM 15 [Rio de Janeiro] 26-27.