For his experiments in environmental art at the I Bienal Nacional de Artes Plásticas da Bahia [First National Visual Arts Biennial of Bahia], Hélio Oiticica is awarded a cash prize by the sponsor bank, Prêmio Banco do Estado da Bahia.

“Posição e Programa – Programa Ambiental – Posição Ética” is published in the July issue of Revista Gam, in Rio de Janeiro.

Makes B33 Box Bólide 18Poem Box 02 “Homage to Cara de Cavalo“. Holds his first solo exhibition titled Manifestação Ambiental nº 1 [Environmental Manifestation no. 1] at Galeria G4, Rio de Janeiro. According to the artist, it “represents the environmental fusion of Nuclei and Bólides, to which elements such as the Reliefs that preceded the Nuclei have been added, because their sense of color might well have led them to be bolides.” He presents the billiard room appropriation project titled Sala de Bilhar [“Snooker Room”], at the Museu de Arte Moderna’s “Opinião 66” show in Rio de Janeiro.

Shows: April 12 – “Supermercado 66” [Supermarket 66], Galeria Relevo, Rio de Janeiro; June 20 – “Manifestação Ambiental nº 1,” Galeria G4, Rio de Janeiro; July 25 – “A Vanguarda Brasileira,” Reitoria da Universidade de Minas Gerais; August 18 – “8 Artistas,” Galeria Atrium, São Paulo; August 25 – “Opinião 66,” Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro; December 28 – I Bienal Nacional de Artes Plásticas da Bahia, Convento do Carmo, Salvador.

Symposium: Proposta 66 [Proposal 66]. “Situação da Vanguarda no Brasil” [Situation of the Avant-Garde in Brazil]. Biblioteca Municipal, São Paulo.

Writings: July – “Posição e Programa – Programa Ambiental – Posição Ética” [Position and Program – Environmental Program – Ethical Position]; August 14 – “Parangolé Poético e Parangolé Social” [Poetic Parangolé and Social Parangolé], doc nº 0254/66 AHO/PHO; November – “Situação da Vanguarda no Brasil” [Situation of the Avant-Garde in Brazil], doc nº 0248/66 AHO/PHO.