20/1 – Solo exhibition: Salão José Oiticica Filho. Foto Clube de Alagoas, Maceió.
Awards: First place at the 8th Annual Exhibition of Marine Photography – Newport News, Virginia, U.S.A.; silver medal – VII ème Salon International d’Art Photographique – Bordeaux, France; Diplome D’Honneur – 3ème Salon International d’Art Photographique – Périgueux, France; Certificate of Merit – Salão da Sociedade Fluminense de Fotografia – Niterói.
Begins his Derivação [Derivation] series (on which he works through 1962) – the pre-existing object is photographed, and the final image obtained through the combination of negatives or positives.
Elected honorary member of the Arbeitskris Munchener Foto Amateure, Germany.
Articles published:
On Entomology
Revisão dos nomes genéricos sul-americanos da subfamília Castniidae (Lepidoptera, Castniidae). Revista Brasileira Entomologia, 3: 137-167, June. | Sobre duas fêmeas do gênero Eacles Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera, Citheroniidae). Boletim Museu Nacional, Zoologia, Rio de Janeiro, 125: 1-17, Nov. 11. il. New Series. | Sobre a fêmea de Procitheronia purpurea (Draut, 1930) (Lepidoptera, Citheroniidae). Boletim Museu Nacional, Zoologia, Rio de Janeiro, 126: 1-12, Nov. 11. il. New Series.
On Photography
O 2º Salão Internacional da ABAF. ABAF Informa, Rio de Janeiro, Associação Brasileira de Arte Fotográfica, Dec.