June 15 – Receives a letter from Paul Keeler, a friend of Sérgio Camargo (1930-1990), inviting him to participate in a fifteen-artist show at the Signals Gallery, along with Soto, Cruz Diez, Gabo, Calder (1898-1976), Challida and Sérgio Camargo. Photographs of works and texts by HO appear in the Signals Newsbulletin.

The “Soundings Two” exhibition is held at the Signals Gallery, in London, from July 22 to September 25. In addition to Hélio Oiticica and the above-mentioned artists, the show features works by Albers (1888-1976), Arp (1887-1966), Brancusi (1876-1956), Pol Bury (1922-2005), Lygia Clark (1920-1988), Duchamp (1887-1968), Kandinsky (1866- 1944), Klee (1879-1940), Yves Klein (1928-1962), Malevich (1878-1935), Mondrian (1872-1944), Léger (1881-1955) and Mira Schendel (1919-1988), among others.

August 12 – The first public presentation of the Parangolé series takes place at the MAM-RJ’s “Opinião 65” exhibition – a breakthrough in the history of Brazilian art. There, Hélio Oiticica ignites tremendous controversy when he is forbidden to present the capes worn by dancers from Mangueira inside the museum. In furious indignation and to the applause of other artists, journalists, critics and the audience, the artist abandons the building and continues the parade throughout the museum’s gardens.

“Bases Fundamentais para Definição do Parangolé” [Cornerstones for a Definition of Parangolé] and “Anotações sobre o Parangolé” [Notes Concerning Parangolé] appear in a mimeographed artist’s edition on the occasion of the “Opinião 65” exhibition.

Meets Guy Brett (1942) and Paul Keeler who have come to Brazil for the eighth São Paulo Biennial (September/November). Keeler enters into agreements with Hélio Oiticica for an exhibition at Signals. The works are sent to London but the show never takes place.

Edited by David Medalla (1942), the Signals Newsbulletin for June/July displays the B15 Glass Bólide 4, “Earth” and B18 Glass Bólide o 6, “Metamorphosis”.

December 22 – Begins to work as a telegraph operator at the Empresa Brasileira de Rádio Difusão (Radiobrás) [Brazilian Radio Broadcasting System].

Shows: September/December – Eighth São Paulo Biennial; July 22 – “Soundings Two,” Signals Gallery, London. August 12 – “Opinião 65,” Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro.

Writings: March 17 – “O Trabalho do Artista” [The Artist’s Task], doc nº 2080/65 AHO/PHO; May 6 – “A Criação da ‘Capa’” [The Concoction of the Cape], doc nº 2085/65 AHO/PHO.