14/7 – Travels with his family to Washington, where he works at the United States National Museum-Smithsonian Institution, as a grantee of the Guggenheim Foundation.

Awards: Best foreign work and Gran Premio de Honor for his photograph Remember – IX Concurso Fotográfico da Biblioteca Pública de Sarmiento – Tres Arroyos, Argentina. Diplôme D’Honneur, pour la haute qualité of his photography presented at the IIIème Salon International d’Art Photographique de Luxembourg; honorable mention for his photographs Remember, Em repouso [In Repose] and Chuva de prata [Silver Rain] – Northwest Photographic Salon – Washington, DC; Honor Award – Fine Arts Camera Club – Evansville, Indiana.

Articles published:

On Entomology
Sobre a genitália das fêmeas de Hepialidae (Lepidoptera). Summa Brasiliensis Biologiae, Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1(16): 1-45, July. il. 12 fig.

18/9 – His photograph O kiosque [The Kiosk] is published and commented in the Dutch magazine Focus.