Solo exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery, in London. Art critic Guy Brett is the show’s curator and the artist names it “The Whitechapel Experience”.

Following the exhibition, Hélio Oiticica is invited to become a resident artist at Sussex University in Brighton.

May – Travels to Paris where his writing is published in Rhobo, an art magazine edited by Jean Clay.

Show: February 24 – “Hélio Oiticica”, Whitechapel Gallery, London.

Symposium: July 7 – 1st International Tactile Sculpture Symposium at California State College, Long Beach.

Writings: May 1 – “Obra Aberta.” Cadernos Brasileiros 5. [Rio de Janeiro]: 69-70; June 10 – “Statement: Hélio Oiticica” (addressed to the French representation committee at the tenth edition of the São Paulo Biennial), doc nº 0441/69 AHO/PHO; June 18 – “The senses Pointing Towards a New Transformation”. The 1st International Tactile Sculpture Symposium (Los Angeles: California State College Long Beach), doc nº 0486/69 AHO/PHO; September 11 – “Londocumento.” [Londocument] Última Hora [Rio de Janeiro]; November 10 – “As Possibilidades do Crelazer” [The Possibilities of Creleisure], doc nº 0305/69 AHO/PHO; s/d – “A Obra, seu Caráter Objetal, o Comportamento” [The Work, its Character as Object, Behavior]. Gam 18 [Rio de Janeiro]: 48-49; s/d – “Como Cheguei à Mangueira” [How I arrived At Mangueira], doc nº 1863/sd AHO/PHO.